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Ethics are a top priority for our company. We uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all aspects of our business. We are committed to being truthful and fair in our interactions with customers, employees, and the community. We believe that trust is the foundation of every well-established relationship and strive to earn and maintain it through our actions.

Since our company's founding, we have valued individuals and perspectives within our company and beyond, embracing inclusivity and treating everyone with dignity and respect. Our Code of Ethics defines the major principles that frame and guide our daily actions. This Code provides a framework for what is expected from each of us in our professional activities and in our interactions with employees and customers. It also defines our commitment to the environment, which we are dedicated to protecting while minimizing our impact, and to society at large, in which we intend to play our part as a good corporate citizen, engaged and responsible.

We are committed to operating our business in a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. This includes promoting fair labor practices, minimizing our environmental footprint, and actively engaging in initiatives that benefit the communities we serve.

These principles form the foundation of our company's Code of Ethics, guiding our decisions, actions, and relationships as we work towards our goals and vision.